Payment Methods
Checkout in the store is easy.
NET 30 TERMS: In the checkout you are presented wither either Net 30 Terms, which means you will be invoiced upon shipment of your order, OR Credit Card.
If you are not yet established as a Net 30 customer, but would like to have 30 day terms, contact Customer Support to learn of the eligibility requirements and to obtain the application!

CREDIT CARD: If you are a credit card customer, you will only be presented with this option.
At this time, we do not collect credit card information in the cart but ask that you only enter the last 4 digits of the card you have on file with us. That card will be charged for the order. If you enter the last 4 digits of a card that does not match our system, you will be contacted by a Customer Service representative to obtain for order processing. Please respond promptly to keep your order on its desired timeline.

Not sure which applies to you? See your Payment Method on the Company Profile page of your account!
If you need to update your payment method, please contact Customer Support at or call 630-226-1155.