Setup Services & Labor Rates

Setup Services & Labor Rates
Orbus® offers a variety of service capabilities and storage options from its Chicago and Las Vegas-based facilities. Orbus has a dedicated service team to support companies who would like their exhibit material inspected, prepared and/or stored in between shows and events.

Storage and full service capabilities are available in Orbus’ Woodridge, Illinois and Las Vegas, Nevada facilities.

Storage Rates
Storage rates are $0.35 per cubic foot or $140 per month minimum. Fees are billed monthly, in advance and in full month increments only. Orbus offers three different levels of service for its storage clients. Each client is presented with the three options, along with a cost analysis for each. Clients choose one service level for all their in/outs, but they can request a different service level for any particular event.

Set-up Services & Labor Rates
All levels of set-up service are available in Woodridge, Illinois and Las Vegas, Nevada.

Level 1 (In & Out)
Labor is billed at $90 per hour, with a 1 hour minimum.

This service is recommended when a client installs, dismantles, and packs the exhibit themselves and has no reason for it to be re-packed or inspected.

  • Orbus visually inspects all cases & skids within 48 hours after it returns from a show.
  • Any external damage to the crates is noted, photographed and given to the client with an estimate to repair the damage.
  • The crates are not opened and individual components are not inspected.
  • When the exhibit is ready to ship again, the cases are sent out without inspection
  • A minimum lead time of 5 business days prior to shipping is required for this service level. If less than 5 days are provided, a late fee equal to 100% of the In/Out fee will be assessed.

Level 2
Level 2 service is billed at $90 per hour with a 1 hour minimum; this does not include any additional charges for new/replacement graphics, new/replacement hardware or rush charges. This service option is for clients that have the same booth configuration for every show, with the possibility of changing out different sets of pre-existing graphics. In order to get the booth “show ready” and/or there are client-owned goods to be separated and returned rather than being placed into storage, the following steps will be taken within 10 business days after exhibit materials return from a show:

  • Orbus inspects all crates for damage.
  • All crates are opened and all contents are removed.
  • All components are inspected.
  • Complete inventory is taken and checked against master list generated at the time of the order.
  • Any damaged or missing pieces are noted, photographed and sent to the client along with an estimate for repair. No repairs are made without the consent of the client.
  • Components are re-packed in proper manner for shipment to the next show.
  • Crates/skids are tagged and placed in the racks, ready to ship.
  • Any non-storage items are returned to the client or disposed of accordingly.
  • When the next order is received, the crates are pulled, the proper graphics are placed in the crates and the booth is shipped.
  • A minimum lead time of 5 business days prior to shipping is required for this service level. If less than 5 days are provided, a late fee equal to 100% of the In/Out fee will be assessed.

Level 3
Level 3 service is similar to Level 2 service, with additional labor to construct the entire booth. Level 3 service is recommended when multiple configurations are used for different shows. The next exhibit configuration will be scheduled for construction within 5 business days after it returns from a show:

  • Orbus inspects all crates for damage.
  • All crates are opened and all contents are removed.
  • The booth is built in its entirety, according to the configuration required for the next scheduled show, with photos taken upon completion.
  • All components are inspected and cleaned.
  • Complete inventory is taken and checked against master list generated at the time of the order.
  • Any damaged or missing pieces are noted, photographed and sent to the client along with an estimate for repair. No repairs are made without the consent of the client.
  • Components are re-packed in proper manner for shipment to the next show.
  • Crates/skids are tagged and placed in the racks, ready to ship
  • Any non-storage items are returned to the client or disposed of accordingly.
  • When a new order is received, the proper booth components for that particular configuration are packed for shipping.
  • A minimum lead time of 10 business days prior to shipping is required for this service level. If less than 10 days are provided, a late fee equal to 100% of the IN/OUT fee will be assessed as well as possible additional rush charges.

Disposal Fees
A disposal fee of $87.50 is billed for up to 250 lbs. of trash, each lb. over 250 is billed at $0.35 per lb.

Each storage order includes $10,000 in insurance coverage, additional coverage is available at a cost of $0.95 per $100 monthly. Please note that for each level of service, additional lead time and labor costs are required for the following:

  • New graphics production
  • Production or rental of additional exhibit components
  • Any design changes

If any of these services are requested, a formal quote will be presented and must be approved prior to any services performed.