Exhibit Signage


KEF America, a high-end audio product manufacturer, was in need of a technical identification system for speakers on display in a museum-style trade show exhibit. It was necessary to place the main focus on the speakers, and to choose a system that would not overpower the products. The solution needed to be durable to ensure it would stand up to the high-traffic environment, while seamlessly fitting in with the modern appearance of the speakers.

Client Comments

"The Exhibit Company created a fabulous signage solution to our open floor-plan booth environment where typical product signage would have been close to impossible to incorporate seamlessly. Their design team and build crew worked together to create visually stunning signage elements that were highly praised by staff, customers and management."

— Stephanie Scola, KEF America


The Exhibit Company turned to SignPro Systems, the modular wayfinding division of Orbus Exhibit & Display Group, to partner in the design and manufacturing of a signage solution that met their client’s needs. The Exhibit Company chose SignPro‘s line of left-to-right curved desk frames that easily blended in with the modern, high-end speakers. The easy-to-change graphic inserts and freestanding capabilities made these frames ideal informational plaques to detail the specifications of each speaker to the booth visitors. The durability and appearance of the signs worked seamlessly with the overall design and feel of the booth, and helped visitors browse on their own prior to interacting with KEF staffers.