Directional Signage


Orbus Exhibit & Display Group, one of North America’s leading trade suppliers of display, exhibit and event solutions consolidated and relocated into a new, custom-built 350,000 sq. ft. manufacturing and distribution facility in Woodridge, IL in June 2014. Wayfinding and directional signage was a must-have, so that the company’s 300+ staff members and guests could easily navigate through and find where they needed to go within the expansive office and warehouse areas.

Client Comments

"In addition to building our own cubicles, lobby fabric structures and graphics RIP station, we used SignPro frames for our wayfinding solution. SignPro's standard and custom sizes were a perfect fit. for our office and warehouse areas. As a result, the entirety of Orbus' corporate headquarters is a showroom of products that Orbus Exhibit & Display Group manufactures."

— Giles Douglas, President & CEO of Orbus


Orbus, through its modular wayfinding division SignPro Systems, planned for the design and installation of directories, projecting signs and wall frames throughout its warehouse and office space to guide traffic flow, identify common areas and personal offices / spaces. Having the need to provide direction throughout the facility within its warehouse and office led Orbus to choose from SignPro’s standard and custom frame solutions. Orbus used a variety of the signage options available, including four directories with custom-sized graphic slots, a directory-like projecting sign, and multiple sizes of left-to-right curved wall frames to identify personnel in offices and cubicles as well as common areas such as copy centers, kitchens, coffee bars and conference rooms. To better distinguish between departments and business functions, Orbus chose unique identifiers for each, which then were congruently featured in the directory, office and cube signage. As an added creative touch, Orbus included corresponding 22 mil PVC cut outs above the wall frames for offices, lending a 3D appearance and tying the signage together.